I have been diagnosed with a vascular blockage, what are my treatment options beside surgery and asprin? - what system is tendonitis
My foot was cold and my doctor diagnosed with tendinitis in the foot and ankle. It took a second look at my foot and thought that there was a blockage on that ground to a vascular ultrasound system. So I need to know that some applications are not expensive, if anyone knows.
The blockage is usually caused by cholesterol plaque. Atherosclerosis is the hardening of blood vessels and begins at the age of 25 years. For many years it was considered that this is a disease of old age after age 60 years, but acknowledges that it starts young. Treatments? Blood vessels consist of connective tissue, so that omega-3 from fish oils, or obtained, that to avoid the hardship and perhaps make it more flexible. Also your cholesterol levels as soon as possible be included. Lose weight if you are high cholesterol, have a diet low in saturated fat, take omega-3 and movement. To stop, too, if you smoke. Peripheral arterial occlusive disease with surgical methods and non-surgical treatment. Operations effectively, we include stents, angioplasty and arterial bypass.
I am afraid that the reality9; Options expensive treatment down, however, has not the first block. Good luck
When the doctors, the word vascular means:
Vascular / 'll cu · · LAR / (vas'ku-ler) in respect of vessels, especially the blood vessels.
Blood vessels are the arteries and veins!
What is peripheral arterial disease?
These are diseases of "vessels" of the heart and brain. It is often cause a narrowing of the vessels carrying blood to the legs, arms, stomach or kidneys. There are two types of these circulation disorders:
Functional peripheral vascular diseases have no organic cause. Not cause defects in the structure of the blood vessels. They are generally short-term comparison with "spasm" that maycome and go. Raynaud's syndrome is an example. It can be triggered by cold, emotional stress, smoking, working with vibrating machinery or.
Organic peripheral vascular diseases are caused by structural changes in the blood vessels, such as inflammation and tissue damage. Peripheral artery disease is one example. It is the accumulation of fat in the arteries causes that block normal blood flow.
We hope that explains it!
Exercise Exercise ... can be painful or difficult at first, but better with training. Just walk away. Can help weight loss. Quit smoking if you do too. better nutrition. is usually caused by hardening of the arteries in smoking and cholesterol accumulates. a heating pad can help some good, you can try before or after sport.
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